
Dr. Kozsla László

AI Officer

I obtained my law degree from the Faculty of Law at the University of Miskolc and am fluent in English and German. I gained my professional experience by providing legal support to small and medium-sized enterprises, covering areas from agricultural law to labor leasing. Throughout my work in these fields, I placed particular emphasis on labor law and the protection of personal data and trade secrets. 

Since late 2022, my focus has shifted towards artificial intelligence. I have acquired practical experience in Prompt Engineering. Building on my existing expertise, my professional activities now center around the regulatory aspects of integrating and applying artificial intelligence within organizations, as well as developing practical, preventive measures that enable the use of AI while ensuring the protection of personal data and trade secrets. 

In addition to the conscious implementation of artificial intelligence, I dedicate significant attention to researching digital identity protection, one of the greatest challenges of our time. 

My goal is to help harness the benefits of AI, ensuring that the use of AI does not compromise confidential business information and complies with data protection regulations. 

In my view, the introduction of preventive measures and raising awareness are more crucial than ever in today’s digital world. 

This website is maintained by Dr. Miklós Péter Ákos, attorney at law registered in the Budapest Bar Association (registered office: 1028 Budapest, Piszke utca 14., tax number: 42982117-2-41, BAR ID number: 36079442) in accordance with the laws and internal regulations applicable to lawyers, which, together with information on client rights, is accessible at The blog posts and articles on the website do not constitute specific legal advice, an offer or a solicitation. It is intended to inform the website visitors about the areas of expertise of Dr. Miklós Péter Ákos attorney at law. The website has been prepared in accordance with the Hungarian Bar Association (MÜK) Presidium's Resolution No. 2/2001 (IX.3.) on the "Content of the website of the Hungarian Bar Association" and with the provisions of Chapter 10 of the MÜK's Rules of Procedure No. 6/2018 (26.III.). Legal notice​

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