Data Privacy Blog

Artificial Intelligence Act adopted

Artificial Intelligence Act adopted

On 13 March 2024, the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down harmonised rules for artificial intelligence and amending certain Union legislative acts (hereinafter: The Artificial Intelligence Act or the EU AI Act) was...

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DPO series of articles, final part: Tasks of the Data Protection Officer

DPO series of articles, final part: Tasks of the Data Protection Officer

In this article, we would like to describe the tasks of the Data Protection Officer or DPO under the GDPR and practical issues related to them. Furthermore, we will briefly discuss the legal relationships that are not regulated by the GDPR but may occur in the course of everyday work within the scope of the DPO’s activities i.e. in the specific tasks of the DPO.

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DPO article series, part 4: The Legal Status of the data protection officer

DPO article series, part 4: The Legal Status of the data protection officer

In this article, we would like to present the most important parts of the status and duties of the Data Protection Officers (DPOs), mainly focusing on the DPOs participation in decisions, the provision of resources, the independence, the liability and possible sanctions, the obligation of confidentiality and finally, the conflict of interest.

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DPO article series, Part 3: Who can be a data protection officer?

DPO article series, Part 3: Who can be a data protection officer?

Defining the DPO and summarising the expectations of the position is a complex process that requires careful consideration by data controllers. In addition to the assessment of professional qualifications, the choice of the nature of the relationship is a key consideration. In this article, the characteristics of the internal and external DPO positions are compared, and specific contractual arrangements are discussed in relation to the latter

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Major NAIH decisions on data protection in 2021

Major NAIH decisions on data protection in 2021

This year the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (hereinafter: NAIH, or the Authority) celebrates the 10th anniversary of its establishment and has published its 2021 Activity Report. In this article, we briefly review the 9 major data protection cases covered by the Authority in the report and summarise the key lessons and our observations.

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This website is maintained by Dr. Miklós Péter Ákos, attorney at law registered in the Budapest Bar Association (registered office: 1028 Budapest, Piszke utca 14., tax number: 42982117-2-41, BAR ID number: 36079442) in accordance with the laws and internal regulations applicable to lawyers, which, together with information on client rights, is accessible at The blog posts and articles on the website do not constitute specific legal advice, an offer or a solicitation. It is intended to inform the website visitors about the areas of expertise of Dr. Miklós Péter Ákos attorney at law. The website has been prepared in accordance with the Hungarian Bar Association (MÜK) Presidium's Resolution No. 2/2001 (IX.3.) on the "Content of the website of the Hungarian Bar Association" and with the provisions of Chapter 10 of the MÜK's Rules of Procedure No. 6/2018 (26.III.). Legal notice​

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