dr. Miklós Péter

GDPR lawyer

Professional legal services in the fields of data protection and compliance

dr. Miklós Péter

GDPR lawyer

Professional legal services in the fields of data protection and compliance

We provide complex legal services to companies on a permanent and ad hoc basis throughout Hungary and the European Union.

Detailed description

dr. Miklós Péter adatvédelmi jogász, adatvédelem, adatkezelés

Our goal is that as a result of our services, our clients maintain and, where appropriate, increase their efficiency while complying with all legal requirements applicable to them. Based on our practical experience, a well-considered and comprehensive internal legal regulation, specifically tailored to the organizations of our clients, can contribute to the effectiveness our clients’ operation. To achieve this goal, we work on specific legal issues that are relevant to the every-day operations of an organization.

Our primary field of expertise is data privacy and cybersecurity law. We believe that a fundamental approach in this field of law is that an organization should take the measures to protect personal data that are proportionate to the risks identified in its operation and business activities. A risk-based approach is a key element of our work; we always draw our clients’ attention to the potential risks of each measure in the context of our external DPO services, and we try to outline a number of alternatives to help them make a well-considered decision. This approach is also followed in our work in the field of whistleblower protection law, labour law, internet law and business law.

The complexity of our work is further enhanced by our long-term and active business relationships with our partners in the fields of information security, property protection and marketing. Accordingly, our clients have also access to the services of our business partners working with us.

Fields of Practice

Data protection is a matter of particular importance for all businesses and organisations that process personal data; since GDPR has become applicable, the relevant legal and regulatory requirements have been met to varying degrees and qualities by different data controllers. We offer our data protection services to data controllers who feel that they have gaps in this area. We know how an organisation can reach a state of awareness and operate its data protection system effectively.


Client Reviews

“Since we have been working together with Peter, we have solved many problems together and I must say that we are in complete harmony, our legal positions almost always completely correspond to one another. The solutions we come up with are the result of joint discussions rather than simply following certain recommendations. As for the issue of DPO as a service, both separately and together, Peter and I have come to the conclusion that in our case, it is a completely lawful solution, and its efficiency and operability is proven by practice.”

Leading Lawyer of a Local Government Body

“I like your composure in your work. I perceive you as a bridge between our ideas and the legal possibilities.”

CEO of a company developing a mobile app

“Thank you very much for your endless patience. Thank you for your conscientious work, whatever my destiny may be.”

Employee, our former Client

“I was expecting us to admit our mistakes, however, you argued with legislative references in support our duties instead. Congratulations!”

Professional manager of an Institute

“Thank you for your successful cooperation with us throughout the year! We look forward to even more successful projects next year!”

Business partner

“I am pleased to inform you that Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information has closed the investigation. Thank you very much for your help and work.”

Head of an Institute

“Not only your personality and attitude was impressive to me, but also the fact that you work in a team.”

Client, who selected us


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This website is maintained by Dr. Miklós Péter Ákos, attorney at law registered in the Budapest Bar Association (registered office: 1028 Budapest, Piszke utca 14., tax number: 42982117-2-41, BAR ID number: 36079442) in accordance with the laws and internal regulations applicable to lawyers, which, together with information on client rights, is accessible at www.magyarugyvedikamara.hu. The blog posts and articles on the website do not constitute specific legal advice, an offer or a solicitation. It is intended to inform the website visitors about the areas of expertise of Dr. Miklós Péter Ákos attorney at law. The website has been prepared in accordance with the Hungarian Bar Association (MÜK) Presidium's Resolution No. 2/2001 (IX.3.) on the "Content of the website of the Hungarian Bar Association" and with the provisions of Chapter 10 of the MÜK's Rules of Procedure No. 6/2018 (26.III.). Legal notice​

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