The Hungarian Government has adopted Decision No. 1301/2024 (IX.30.) (hereinafter Decision) on the measures to be taken for the implementation of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on artificial intelligence (hereinafter AI Act). In the Decision, the Government supports the implementation of the AI Act „in Hungary in an efficient, transparent and customer-friendly manner for the Hungarian people and businesses.”

The responsible authority for the implementation of the AI Act

The Government has decided to set up a new public entity whose main function will be to carry out the tasks necessary to implement the AI Act. The new national authority will establish and operate as a “regulatory testing facility“, as required by the Regulation, which will allow for the testing of developments in real world conditions.

The Decision extends the tasks and competences of the new entity with additional elements, in particular, it will act as a notifying and market surveillance authority, operate on a ’one-stop shop’ principle and it will also be the designated authority to act as a single point of contact for the AI Act. The new entity will be supervised by the Minister of National Economy instead of the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, as is the practice in other countries. However, given the importance of the personal data processed by AI systems and the importance of ensuring the safety of the data protection standards set out in the GDPR and national legislation, active cooperation between the new entity and the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information can be expected.

The Hungarian Artificial Intelligence Council

In addition to the above, the Decision also initiates the establishment of a so-called Hungarian Artificial Intelligence Council. The Council’s tasks and competences will include the drawing up and publication of guidelines, recommendations or statements related to the implementation of the AI Act. The national entities expected to delegate member to the Council are the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH), the Hungarian Central Bank (MNB), the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH), the Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (NAIH), the Supervisory Authority for Regulatory Affairs (SZTFH), Digital Government Agency.

The Hungarian Government has set a deadline of 30 November, 2024 for the implementation of the aforementioned tasks.

On the basis of the Decision described above, it seems that the implementation of certain provisions of the AI Act has commenced in Hungary and we can expect a number of changes in the coming months. It will be worthwhile to closely follow the developments and changes in the relevant national legislation, the publication thereof, as well as the publication of guidelines and statements of the Hungarian Artificial Intelligence Council in order to ensure the lawful use of AI systems. It will also be recommended to take advantage of the possibility to assess the applied AI system and test it in real world conditions with the help of the new entity. Businesses that are considered to be a provider or deployer of an AI system under the AI Act are encouraged to engage the services of an appropriate expert as soon as possible to ensure regulatory compliance.

This website is maintained by Dr. Miklós Péter Ákos, attorney at law registered in the Budapest Bar Association (registered office: 1028 Budapest, Piszke utca 14., tax number: 42982117-2-41, BAR ID number: 36079442) in accordance with the laws and internal regulations applicable to lawyers, which, together with information on client rights, is accessible at The blog posts and articles on the website do not constitute specific legal advice, an offer or a solicitation. It is intended to inform the website visitors about the areas of expertise of Dr. Miklós Péter Ákos attorney at law. The website has been prepared in accordance with the Hungarian Bar Association (MÜK) Presidium's Resolution No. 2/2001 (IX.3.) on the "Content of the website of the Hungarian Bar Association" and with the provisions of Chapter 10 of the MÜK's Rules of Procedure No. 6/2018 (26.III.). Legal notice​

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